Rank & Status Portfolio Templates Skip to main content
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Rank & Status Portfolio Templates

Please use the following templates when constructing your rank & status portfolio:

To use the templates:

  1. Download the appropriate template to your computer.
  2. Open the template file in Adobe Acrobat and fill out the form fields on the cover page and the nomination form.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Insert your portfolio materials into the PDF.
    • Select the "Organize Pages" tool
    • Insert your portfolio materials behind the proper section cover sheet
      1. Drag-and-drop the files from a folder on your computer, or
      2. Use the Insert tool (Insert > From File)
  5. Click "Close" and save the PDF.
  6. Send a copy of the PDF to your department.

    Questions? Email - rankandstatus@byu.edu

Michael Barnes

Associate Academic Vice President
D-387 ASB